Daughter Yo and fiance Matt rarely get to go skiing. However, they were instrumental in a family gathering in Vermont for skiing at Mad River Glen. Viki has six half siblings and serves as the bridge to her extended family from time to time. Son Colin and daughter Tange and their spouses live in Vermont and provide six of my grandchildren who are all accomplished skiers ranging in age from almost four to 19. On Saturday and Sunday there were 11 of us on the slopes doing our respective things to enjoy the snow.
I (Grandpa) was charged with schlepping Matt and Yo's ski gear to Vermont and providing airport pick up on Friday. I left Cortland on Friday morning and managed to get to Gore Mountain to get a few hours of skiing before going on the Vermont. Gore was blessed with sunshine and great snow and excellent conditions. I wrapped up my skiing at Gore by 4:00PM and then was on my way to Vermont. Since the Champlain bridge has been removed, a ferry ride to Vermont is required. Relying on my GPS for directions got me into a little trouble when I missed the turn to the ferry so I arrived a little later at daughter Tange's house than I expected.
I did get to bed by 1:00 AM after an airport run for Viki and Matt at midnight.
Part of my responsibility for the travel to Vermont was to bring wife Nancy's doll house for granddaughter Kiara. This was a hit with Kiara as you can see in the picture.
Saturday we got a relatively late start to Mad River Glen but had a marvelous day in the sun and on the snow. Mad River is challenging retro ski area with lots of fun twisty and mogul sprinkled runs. However, in spite of the hype about being able to ski the area (Ski it if you can) there are numerous intermediate trails that give anyone a good ride. Granddaughter Kiara at less than four is already accustomed to the challenges and frequently seeks out the twisting mogul runs for fun(see the video). Kiara is to be the flower girl at Yo and Matt's wedding in September. Maybe she needs to come down the aisle on her skis!! Son-in-law to be Matt is still learning, but is doing quite well on the intermediate slopes.
Saturday night Abby and Colin provided an excellent dinner at their home and we had a rehash of the the day on the slopes and made plans for Sunday's skiing. Sunday was also a great sunny day with excellent ski conditions. I was originally scheduled to deliver Matt and Yo to the airport in the late afternoon, but fortunately other arrangements were made and I was able to leave for Cortland by 1:30 PM.
These were great family days and provided cherished memories for all of us.
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