Yesterday April 20th I rolled out my snowblower to clear eight inches of snow from my driveway. That's weird after a ski season of meager snowfalls. And now a big dump in April after our local ski area has been closed for over two weeks. Ironically Greek Peak reported the highest and perhaps a record snowfall for the day of 12 inches. I pulled out some winter clothing that I already had in storage to be comfortable with my snow removal chore.
A few days before I was inspecting my yard and noticed that the grass was getting long and it reminded me to have my mower ready to go. On this inspection tour I glanced across the road at my neighbors lawn and was amazed to see he had mowed it for the first time this year. Oops! A few days later it is still covered with snow from our freak April dump. I contemplated clearing his driveway as a neighborly gesture but now a day later the driveway seems to have melted off.
Although this seems to be a very unusual April storm for out area we have had similar events in April. (However, they don't seem to have been this late in the month.) On my son's April 9th 14th birthday 49 years ago we skied at Greek Peak in perfect winter conditions. Forty nine years late he gets to ski at Alta in Utah on his 63rd birthday. He is fortunate to live in Utah for much of the year and his April is weird only if he doesn't get a daily shot of new powder.
For now my weird April is likely to change to a more normal climate. Maybe I can re mothball my snowblower and focus on the grass, restore the winter clothes, breakout of the tennis gear and charge the e-bikes.