The long awaited new ski season in upstate New York is sputtering along. A day here and a day there with the hopes of a continuous season starting on Saturday for Greek Peak. With colder and snowier weather anticipated in the coming weeks we should be blessed with relatively decent ski conditions.
Since I retired in 1996 I have spent an average of over 75 days a year on the slopes. I am hoping that this year I will at least be able to continue with a respectable number of days. I read somewhere that the average number of ski days per skier is of the order of a seven to ten. The geezers that I have skied with over the years have far exceeded that number. I guess we know that our remaining lifetime is finite so and unpredictable so "eat desert first" and "ski as long as you can" becomes our mantra.
So here is hoping this will be another good season on the slopes.