Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am reminded that there a many things to be thankful for in spite of the unrest in our country and the world. As I write this I occasionally gaze out the window to see some snow coming down. Who knows, we may be on the slopes in our area in a week or so. Forecast looks like snowmaking may be possible next week.
Beyond the enthusiasm for the forthcoming ski season, I was deeply moved by an article of good news I read and viewed this morning in a newsletter that I get daily. It bolstered my faith in humankind, that in spite of the chaos and division of late there are many good unsung people doing wonderful deeds. The gist of the news this morning was a story of a woman in Texas of meager means reaching out to give rides in her 22 year old car for those less fortunate. The blind and ill etc. Along with her charity there was a car dealer of Philadelphia who heard of her situation and was moved to an extraordinary act human kindness and integrity. He provided her with a new car plus payment of insurance taxes and maintenance. The only thing he asked for was to continue to continue her kindness by further reaching out to those in her community in need. I was moved to tears! While in this day, often see greediness and power grabbing, we need to be reminded that there are many unsung heroes in this world that make all our days worth living. This all gives me a goal to be a better person too.
Blessings everyone. May you encounter many good folks in your community and be inspired to give back as well.