I started this blog in December of 2009; at least 15 years ago! At that time our Tough Old Geezer Skier group at Greek Peak in Virgil New York had been self identified for several years. Founder Pat Ryan had labelled many of us as such. Even giving us badges to wear with our name and the Geezer designation. Many of us have continued to wear such badges with pride as the years go by. I have lost a few, but have replaced them almost immediately to keep the tradition going.
Sadly, our founder Pat Ryan recently passed away. We deeply mourn his passing and miss his presence on the slopes. Pat was an exemplary person, a fine skier and model of integrity that we will not forget.
In the ensuing years following our founding, there have been many changes. Membership was always quite open and in the early years there may have been 30 or so that would identify with our group. Some ardently, and others casually. We even would have an annual season ending meeting for lunch with gag awards and invited spouses. Basically we were more or less young geezers in late sixties and early seventies. As time has passed many of the original group have either given up skiing or have passed away. Fortunately there has been an infusion of a few new geezers. It will be a challenge from now on to recruit replacements for the inevitable departure of some of our more senior members. To the best of my knowledge I am the most senior geezer skier at Greek Peak regularly on the slopes each week. Gene who is a bit older is less frequent due to health issue.
A word about my geezer skier experience currently. I now recognize I do not have the stamina I once had as I approach my 90th birthday this April. Essentially on an every day basis I am skiing with "youngsters". My definition of youngsters is now anyone in their seventies and younger. Many of my companion skiers are now in their sixties. My companions now seem to think they need to take care of me! Of course, I tolerate that, but in some ways I feel like I may be holding them back by my somewhat slower pace! However, my wife does appreciate that my friend Tim Russell has taken on the role as my guardian angel! In this vein, I must say that many of the Greek Peak ski community have both admired me for still being out and are keeping an eye on me.
As I rest up on the weekends, I find it recharges my batteries for the coming week and it gives me a chance to reflect on how lucky I am to be pursuing downhill skiing in my most senior years. I look forward to passing the torch of leadership of our group to the next generation when the time comes. A shout out to the the geezers who might be reading this blog! Keep on moving and enjoying every day we are blessed with!