Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Geezer Skier Wives

Geezer skier wives are very special people. My wife is not a skier which is probably the best choice for us. She is a southern gal and I always have to remind her that spring doesn't come to New York until May and in the winter you have to put on many layers of clothes to be comfortable. She did try skiing when we first met and we mutually agreed that trees and skiers don't mix. I am truly blessed that she loves me so much that she can tolerate my daily trip to the ski slope and listen to the stories of my daily adventures and the coffee break and lift ride commentary. We are a couple that discovered each other after misfortunes of failed first marriages. The past 28 years have been a splendid gift of getting it more than right the second time and being blessed with a blended family of yours, mine and ours.
We are blessed with activities that we enjoy together (tennis for example) as well as individual activities that are our special passions. Nancy retired in 2008 after 20 years as a pastor serving several different congregations. However, her passion for serving and preaching didn't retire. So since then she has assisted three churches on an interim basis and after a six month hiatus has been appointed as an interim part time associate pastor at a local church. So while I am on the slopes, she will be doing the good work of the Lord. Does that balance off my play? Needless to say she is the light of my life.
Just a few thoughts about other geezer wives. Skied with Ed G. this afternoon. Ed is 82 and although he has health challenges he lays down beautiful tracks on the hill. His wife passed away a year or so ago after they had over 55 years of marriage. She was a skier when the children were young as a way of being a part of the family activity. Some of my geezer skier friends do have wives that still ski, however most of the wives have moved on to other things. Perhaps the greatest thing that geezer skiers and their wives have learned that giving each other the freedom to pursue their passion is one of the greatest gifts of love one can give.

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