Thursday, December 22, 2011

Skier's Lament

Skiers Lament

Twas three days before Christmas with slopes all green.
Not one single snowflake was to be seen.
A few slopes had a thin coat of snow.
And some hardy skiers were into the flow.

The snow makers were poised to go into action
But the temperature balmy was a distraction.
Hope upon hope that freezing weather will come,
Without the melting of noontime sun.

Forlorn groomers are parked by the wayside,
In hopes of huge snow mounds to ride.
Although skimobiles often navigate the hill,
Four wheelers are the favorite still.

Flags fly high on Welcome Center poles,
Displaying their representative roles.
Country, state and company on display.
Come see ski with us and stay.

Bringing good cheer to those in need
Is the goal of Saturdays Food drive indeed.
A can or two of food secures a ticket free
And warms the heart of you and me.

Come one come all and share in your wealth.
Contribute your largess to the community’s health.
Although I lament this seasons late start,
I wish you all the very best from the bottom of my heart.

Let's Make Snow
Welcome Center



Pat and Bev said...

That's clever Gerry!

Gerry Rehkugler said...

More slopes open today. Trojan opened this afternoon.