I thoroughly enjoy tennis both as a player and an observer. Now that the French Open is in progress I have a chance to watch players over the whole range of rankings play. Achieving number one ranking in any endeavor is a remarkable feat and is to be admired. However, in any area of activity the activity itself has to be sustained by a whole host of people aspiring to climb the ladder of success. In the greater scheme of things I think we need to appreciate all those that support the sport or activity simply by their presence and participation. In many ways I admire the journeymen of tennis more than the stars. Day in a day out many of them go on the court to give their best even in the reality that they are not likely to rise to the heights of success of the more talented players. Their love of the game as much as the rewards of winning serves as a reminder that we need to love and support all those people who faithfully show up. And in the game of life, it is equally true that while we strive to be number one in something, in reality we may need to accept that playing the game at number 1000 is not so bad either. After all, at least we are in the game and not sitting on the sidelines. And who knows, there is always the chance we will have our 15 minutes of fame.
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