Monday, March 4, 2019

Unsung Heroes - Lift Attendants

      As a geezer skier I find myself often most vulnerable on the ski slope when I am launched on the ski lift.  I can relate to many of my companions who have suffered disasters getting on the lift and getting injuries.   In some cases the injuries have required surgery of rehabilitation.    Therefore the quality of support by the lift attendants as they load the chairs is often a subject of conversation at our geezer coffee breaks.
      All the above said I must note that lift attendants for the most part are the unsung heroes of ski area operations.  There is not much glamour in time after time loading a chair or time after time observing skiers departing from the chairs safely at the top.  It can be a terribly boring job at minimum wage.  As skiers we often complain about the cold wind and the biting temperature.  Just imagine however,  spending hours in a stationary position loading the chair.
        So how are lift attendants unsung heroes.  At my home ski area of Greek Peak I have had years of observing the best of the best in this category of jobs.  Way back I can remember Harold who would load the T-Bar.  He made the loading an art.  This was true even when I was skiing with a 5 year old daughter with the T-Bar down near my ankles.  Over the years there have been many returning attendants  attending to us in a courteous and cheerful way.  Speaking of an art form of chair loading I observed one of the most graceful loaders at Gore Mountain several years ago.  He made the loading a ballet of swinging the chair just right so our launch was smooth and graceful.
         This year, the Tough Old Geezer Skiers of Greek  Peak are having our Annual Awards and End of The Year Luncheon next week.  Over the years we have given awards of appreciation to employees of the ski area who have served us well with excellent service, great grooming and comfortable launches on the lifts.  We are looking forward to acknowledging the cheerful and superb support of one of those lift attendants.   She knows most of the geezers by name and her bubbly personality makes us smile even more than having a great powder day.


Pat and Bev said...

Gerry-I think you should read this at our Luncheon.

Gerry Rehkugler said...

Pat - Could be the intro to handing out the award. Happy to do so.