Yesterday's devotion in the Upper Room was about being healed. The scripture dealt with the women that pestered Jesus until he granted her request to heal her daughter. The accompanying story was authored by a woman whose infant son had suddenly stopped breathing and had to be rushed to the hospital. In that ensuing crisis she prayed out loud and aggressively as the physicians, EM T's and nurses handled the situation. She was probably obnoxious to some. The good news is that her son revived and was completely all right. You might say healed.
This story brought to mind for me a flood of memories of the crisis with our own daughter Victoria. At 14 months she developed an extraordinary high fever and went into convulsions. A quick call to emergency services brought the ambulance and a quick trip to Cayuga Medical Center. Nancy and I certainly were in prayer during this crisis. We spent several days in anxiety and prayer as the unknown malady took its course. To our delight within a day or so she woke up one morning showing interest in a toy and as it turned out completely healed! To us a miracle since there was no evident diagnosis for the cause of the fever.
I guess that each day there are many folks that are experiencing the joy of being healed. And probably if we are honest about all of our situations we are all in the process of being healed of something, Whether it may be emotional or physical trauma. I am convinced that whatever your faith calling might be, that prayer has the possibility of healing and if not healing easing the pain of the malady.
Among my group of long term senior friends there are three men that I pray for daily. All three are in recovery and/or remission of cancer. I doubt whether they know that I am praying for them, but that is of no matter since I am not the healer, but just a channel for God's grace if I am so honored.
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